Midwest Alliance for Patient Safety

News and Events

MAPS PSO Provides Updates on COVID-19

Resources for kid’s educational support at home: With school closures, many healthcare providers are experiencing the need to work on providing great educations resources for their children.  IHA has no interest in these sites listed below, but we also encourage you to check within your local communities to seek out tools and learning opportunities.
Khan Academy is a non-profit website delivering free materials for students ages 4-18.
All Kids Network: Get worksheets, craft ideas, printable dot to dot, hidden pictures and more.
National Geographic for Kids: Look for games, videos, lessons and other resources
Please reach out for any questions or just an opportunity to talk.  We want to thank all of you for your commitment to patient safety.
Stay safe and well,
Phone: 630-276-5657
Email: MAPSHelp@team-iha.org