Midwest Alliance for Patient Safety

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cpinasco - 10/19/2020 1:46:53 PM
October 19- COVID-19 cases rise in Ilinois
ILLINOIS — State health officials on Thursday reported a record 4,015 new cases of the coronavirus and 53 more deaths from COVID-19 — the most single-day deaths since June. The new case number approaches the three-day total of 5,368 new cases reported Sept. 4 caused by a data processing slowdown. The statewide totals now stand at 331,620 confirmed infections and 9,127 known deaths. 

MAPS PSO wants our healthcare workers and communities to stand strong to fight the spread of the virus.  Within our homes and communities, we need to follow CDC guidelines. Wash your hands, wear a mask and practice social distancing.

For moe information, contact MAPSHelp@team-iha.org.