Illinois Health and Hospital Association/MAPS Case law Updates and National Patient Safety Initiatives -
February 7, 2024
Michael R. Callahan, JD, Senior Counsel, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
Healthcare organizations are coming under increasing pressure by states, the federal government, accrediting bodies and payors to more proactively identify adverse events and poor patient outcomes within their provider facilities. Once identified, the expectation, if not a requirement, is to investigate, analyze and take appropriate remedial steps to reduce future risks to patients and to improve the quality of patient care services. The failure to do so can and will have significant adverse financial, reputational and regulatory consequences.
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Illinois Health and Hospital Association Presents Case Law Updates to Maximize Legal Protection for PSWP - February 28, 2023
Robin Locke Nagele, Senior Counsel in the Health Care Practice Group with Post & Schell, P.C., presents in this webinar and shares key insights on patient safety legal topics including: the basics of Patient Safety Work Product (PSWP), how to maximize privilege protection through your Patient Safety Evaluation System (PSES), and education for defense counsel on responding to litigation. She discusses emerging case law and key learnings to protect documents from discovery.
Click here to access the recording. Password: AgPdJRq4
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Illinois Health and Hospital Association and MAPS PSO Legal Webinar: What Every Healthcare Provider Needs to Know for Maximum PSO Protections - March 3, 2022
Healthcare organizations face challenges in protecting Patient Safety Work Product (PSWP). Content expert Michael R. Callahan, BA, JD, Senior Counsel, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP conducts an interactive discussion on best practices, Patient Safety Activities such as developing strong Patient Safety Evaluation System Policies (PSES) including peer review and participation by physician groups and in ambulatory facilities. Michael discusses defining patient safety activities and creating a strong safety culture for reporting adverse events.
Click here to access the recording. Password: mJqkQJ7w
Click here to access the presentation.
Illinois Health and Hospital Association Presents Basic Law Protections for Healthcare Organizations Under the Patient Safety Act and Updated PSO Case Law - September 16, 2021
Patient safety case law can be daunting. Healthcare organizations face challenges in understanding and applying the law to achieve maximum privilege protection in court. The Illinois Hospital Association and MAPS PSO was pleased to engage in an interactive discussion of best practices with content expert, Robin Locke Nagele, Principal, Co-Chair, Health Care Practice Group, Post & Schell, P.C. Robin shares key outcomes and insights on patient safety legal topics including: the Patient Safety Act, the basics of Patient Safety Work Product (PSWP,) training legal counsel and responding to litigation. She will talk about current case challenges and the important role of having a strong Patient Safety Evaluation System Policy (PSES) to protect documents from discovery. |